The exhibition will be from Thursday, 24th October, from 9:00am to 6:30pm and from 8:30am to 6:30pm,
in the other days of the Conference.
Only participants with a badge, which will be issued at Exhibition Registration Desk, will be admitted.
The following Companies & Agencies attend to ESS'96:
Advanced Biotechnology Center, Genoa, Italy
Ansaldo Nuclear Division, Genova, Italy
Ansaldo Ricerche, Genoa, Italy
Ansaldo GIE, Genova, Italy
Arcte SpA, Bologna, Italy
Atificial Horizons Inc, USA
Blue Sky Technology, Genoa, Italy.
Boeing, Computer Services, Portland, USA
CAE Electronics Ltd., St.Laurent, Canada
CETENA, Genova, Italy
Confitarma, Rome, Italy
DigiPen Corp, Vancouver, Canada
DSP, Manno, Switzerland
EDF, Marseille Cedex, France
ENEA, Rome, Italy
ETRI, Taejon, Korea
Ferrari Auto, Italy
Genoa Port Authority, Genoa, Italy
Istituto Nazionale Ricerca sul Cancro, Genoa, Italy
La Spezia Container Terminal, La Spezia, Italy
Latvian Intelligent Systems Ltd., Riga, Latvia
Logica Systems, UK
Logixx Automation Inc., Lakewood, USA
Marconi, Simulation & Training Centre, UK
Mitsubishi, Amagasaki, Japan
Paradigm, Milan, Italia
Pervomaysk Sugar Plant, Odessa, Ukraine
SC Omniworld, Bucharest, Romania
Science Applications Int.Corporation, USA.
SCS International, San Diego, CA, USA
SESAM, Rome, Italy
SET, Sistemi Elettronici e Telematici, Genova, Italy
Siemens AG, Offenbach/Main, Germany
SINTEF Automatic Controls, Trondheim, Norway
Superscape, UK
USL II, Savona, Italy
US Army, USA
Venice Water Authority, Venice, Italy