Council of
The decision to create the I_M_CS (International Mediterranean
Council of Simulation, originally named I_M_SCS), in order to establish a Modeling
& Simulation (M&S) reference, must be supported by rationale that
justifies the institution of a Mediterranean network. Our proposal is based on the current situation in the Mediterranean and takes into account feedback, indications as well as requests from the scientific simulation community. We consider it our duty to present the potential of simulation in this area and to promote the I_M_CS proposal. This initiative is motivated by the need to guarantee that an extended scientific community, such as the Mediterranean Cultural area (South Europe, South America, North Africa), could be properly represented and active at an international level. This will help to avoid any unbalanced clustering and concentration of the activities that extend over a much wider context into some restricted areas. The role of Mediterranean Cultural Countries in the simulation research and development sector must be defined along with actions needed to ensure that the I_M_CS remains a permanent institution and not just a temporary initiative. In effect, modern computer simulation has been developed mainly in the Anglo-Saxon environment, and therefore we also want to contribute to the definition and development of modern M&S. Over the last ten years Mediterranean Simulation Excellence Centers have been developing innovative projects, acting as major contributors in the worldwide scenario. International events in these areas were a real success as they attracted the world community through the presentation of extensive and outstanding regional activities while proposing new developments. Based on such considerations, we want to overcome the vagueness of the current panorama, where everything is defined as useful and correct, while in reality no new projects or long-term strategies are focusing on our geographical areas. Our feeling is based on the awareness of our current expertise and cultural roots, in which sites, times and historical events are combined in a complex matrix worthy of further analysis: historical Mediterranean episodes are sometimes more famous for their cultural impact than the events themselves, and evidence has shown that simulation issues were being addressed even in the ancient past. |
I_M_CS Manifesto |
I_M_CS Report 2003 |
Mc Leod Institute of Simulation Science, Genoa Center |
Liophant Simulation Club |
Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes |
Department of Production Engineering, University of Genoa |