Mariangiolina Genovese

Mariangiolina is a senior student of Mechanical Engineering in Genoa University; she has experience in modelling and simulation applied to industrial engineering.
Mariangiolina participated in international events ICAMES 2001 in Istanbul where she presented a project about ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) & Inventory Management; the project based on DICOSAP Simulator was awarded with the First Runner price by an international committee competing against representatives from USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovakia.
She is operating as staff assistant in the international IEPAL project involving six Universities (Genoa University, Magdeburg University, Marseille University, Boston College, Bradley University and Arizona State University) and two Enterprises Consortium including over 150 companies each; on this project she will act on both sides of Atlantic supporting coordination and operation planning.
She participate in MASC (Modeling Applied for Satisfaction of Customers) project, as data collection coordinator managing over thirty people for  about 1000h  in cooperation with DIP Genoa University and COOP Liguria (the regional division of the major Italian Retail company).
She is member of Liophant Simulation Club

She enjoies Cinema, boy friends and cooking Italian Pasta.

Nickname: "Mangusta"

Mariangiolina Genovese, Genova, Italy
Email Mobile +39 349 6936 084

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