Maria Antonietta Angela Sobrio

Maria Antonietta Angela Sobrio, Antonietta for friends, Death on two legs for enemies, born in Savona 12/14/1973, lives with her parents in Noli, a lovely little city on the Ligurian Sea.
She is married with a very jelous boy.
Antonietta took the short degree in Logistic and Production Engineering on 12/19/1995 with 110/110 cum laude and the Management Engineering full degree from Genoa University with 110/110 cum laude.
She worked as responsible in Production of car components and now she is active in Logistics applied to Ship Construction in Fincantieri Group. Her hobbies are: playing clarinet and drums, martial arts (expecially karate), ski, swimming, cooking sweets and cakes.
She sais: "Life is fighting 'til the end for the things we believe".

Her thesis was about simulation techniques applicated to the logististic of a container terminal, in collaboration with Voltri Terminal Container.
Her work includes a C++ simulator for the optimization of the yard and dock resources.


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