SCSC2003 Abstract S91094

A Game-Based, Multi-Agent Coordination Mechanism - Application to Road Traffic and Driving Simulations -

A Game-Based, Multi-Agent Coordination Mechanism - Application to Road Traffic and Driving Simulations -

Submitting Author: Mr. Alexis Champion

Besides mathematical simulation models which describe road traffic in a statistical way, the INRETS has led research works on traffic simulation based on the actual driver’s behavior. INRETS’ ARCHISIM is a multi-agent simulation model for which traffic phenomena result from individual actions and interactions of the various and numerous actors of the road situation. Traffic situations involve autonomous software agents (simulated drivers in virtual vehicles) and, sometimes, a human agent (subject in a driving simulator). In such conditions, conflicts are frequent and coordination is a crucial issue. In this paper, we introduce beha-vioral road traffic simulation and present the coordination issue at the crossroads. Secondly, we expose a mathematical formali-zation of the modeling of the two-agent crossroad situations and, then, the generalization to n-player games. Finally, we propose a fully distributed, game-based mechanism that has been designed and implemented to coordin
ate the driver agents’ actions in crossroad situations. We present several test simulations, the results and the stages leading to the validation of the coordina-tion mechanism. ARCHISIM was validated for highway networks and our aim is now to validate the model for urban networks. This paper shows are a major part of this work has been done.

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