SCSC2003 Abstract S21118

Computer Aided Multi-Paradigm Modelling of Hybrid Systems with AToM3

Computer Aided Multi-Paradigm Modelling of Hybrid Systems with AToM3

Submitting Author: Dr. Juan de Lara

This article introduces the use of {\em multi-paradigm} modelling to facilitate computer assisted modelling of hybrid systems. Multi-Paradigm modelling consists on the combination of meta-modelling, multi-formalism and multiple abstraction levels. The approach allows one to model different parts of a system using different formalisms. Models can be automatically converted between formalisms as the latter are also (meta-)modelled and represented as Abstract Syntax Graphs. Thus, transformations between formalisms can be represented as models in the graph grammars formalism. We present the implementation of these concepts in AToM3, and as an example we model a hybrid system by combining Causal Block Diagrams (for the continuous part) and Statecharts (for the discrete part). Both models are translated into the object-oriented simulation language OOCSMP for simulation.

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