SCSC2003 Abstract S51207

Explanatory reasoning: from knowledge based systems to simulation systems

Explanatory reasoning: from knowledge based systems to simulation systems

Submitting Author: Mr. elamri fouad

The simulation systems as well as all the problems resolution systems are equipped with very limited means (generally graphic visualization and trace) to explain what occurs in the treated scenario, or to organize the study of multiple simulations... These means should allow best communication and improve the comprehension of a calculated situation. The design of an assistant system makes it possible to mitigate these insufficiencies, thus reinforcing the acceptation of the simulation system by the users. For example, a good explanation of the process which led to abnormal results makes it possible to fix the scenario by determining the erroneous parameters. These reports find their origin in knowledge based systems (KBS).
in this paper we are inspired by the generic reasoning model of medecine and accidentology to carry out a specific model of reasoning in simulation. We experiment such approach in the simulation field of a container terminal management.

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