SCSC2003 Abstract S41708

Development, Validation, and Application of the Dynaface Helicopter / Ship Dynamic Interface Simulation Software Package

Development, Validation, and Application of the Dynaface Helicopter / Ship Dynamic Interface Simulation Software Package

Submitting Author: Prof. Robert Langlois

The importance of safely operating helicopters from moving ships in potentially severe sea conditions is widely recognized. In many cases, particularly on small military and coast guard vessels, helicopter operability is maximized by the use of systems that assist with shipboard helicopter recovery and on-deck handling. Regardless of the level and type of aircraft securing provided, safe shipboard operation requires detailed understanding of the effects of ship motion on the embarked aircraft. It is necessary to determine the limits for safe operation in terms of operational and environmental conditions, the securing requirements if appropriate, the factors that compromise the safety of operation, and the long-term impact of shipboard loading on the design of aircraft and securing equipment. To assist with the analysis of the dynamic interface that exists between ships and embarked aircraft, Indal Technologies Inc. (ITI), a developer of helicopter handling equipment, has dev
eloped, extensively validated, and applied the Dynaface aircraft/ship dynamic interface analysis simulation software package. This paper outlines the development and basis of the mathematical model, validation activity, and the various ways in which the Dynaface simulation package can be applied to enhance the analysis and ultimately the safety of shipboard aircraft operation.

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