SCSC2003 Abstract S6218

Assessing the Need for a Distributed Simulation

Assessing the Need for a Distributed Simulation

Submitting Author: Ms. Patricia Liguori

A distributed simulation can be a very powerful tool to answer questions that otherwise may not be answered. This level of sharing assets sheds a new light to the types of questions scientists and experts may have. However, with this potential benefit comes a cost. Our goal is to ensure that there is a benefit to a distributed simulation based on our current and anticipated needs before a substantial investment in time and resources is allocated.

Some questions, whether simple or complex, cannot be answered within a given set of conditions. Often, questions are answered with an approach that is not repeatable and often can be costly. In some cases, that is unavoidable due to the nature of the question. In other cases, defining a process on how to answer questions under certain conditions may prove to be beneficial. This paper presents the details of a defined, repeatable process for assessing the need for a distributed simulation, the motivation behind the process, and the benefits of the process. In addition, this paper will present a possible approach to prototype the process.

The process has multiple purposes. First, it may be seen as a road map to build a business case for a distributed simulation over some time frame for a given set of questions. Second, this process provides a mechanism to collect the information needed to answer a question for a target demonstration. Finally, the information resulting from this process provides a communication tool for all parties potentially involved in the simulation.

At the MITRE Corporation, we are assessing the need for a distributed simulation between MITRE and other organizations such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), other government agencies, commercial companies, airlines, and universities. A primary purpose of this capability is to be able to answer questions that otherwise could not be answered by any single entity. In assessing the need for a distributed simulation, our solution begins with a defined, repeatable process.

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