SCSC2003 Abstract S0244

Domain Management in a Hierarchical Generic Models Library

Domain Management in a Hierarchical Generic Models Library

Submitting Author: Dr. Fabrice Bernardi

Members of a modeling team often use different specific modeling formalisms, thus different specific modeling and simulation environments that are often pieces of software they themselves designed. They want also to be the most efficient possible in decomposing a given problem in sub-problems that can be solved using reusable models. This concept of reusability is very important, and has been studied in a lot of researches. A complementary notion to reusability is the notion of storage architecture of components called ``libraries''. Our goal is to propose a contribution to the design of a generic and hierarchical models library that can be integrated in various modeling and simulation environments.
Some work has been already done, and we present in this article our approach concerning the genericity of use, using what we call a '`Domain Parser''.

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