SCSC2003 Abstract S2419

User Behavior in 3D Videoconferencing Applications

User Behavior in 3D Videoconferencing Applications

Submitting Author: Mr. Mojtaba Hosseini

Arriving at patterns of user behavior in distributed virtual environment applications leads to the realistic simulation of human users, in turn used to test the scalability of such applications in terms of the number of users they can support. Furthermore, computer simulated agents mimicking common human behaviors can also be used to populate the virtual world to create a more engaging experience for the real user. This paper presents patterns of user behavior in teleconferencing virtual environments observed through multiple experiments carried out in a 3D videoconferencing setting. Some of these behaviors include how users move to bring others into their focus, how correlated their movements are with respect to other users and how their movements relate to whether or not they are in focus of the group. We intend to use these results to arrive at accurate simulation of users to test the scalability of our 3D videoconferencing system

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