SCSC2003 Abstract S772
The Layer of Interest Oriented To HLA
The Layer of Interest Oriented To HLA
Submitting Author: Dr. Zhong Zhou
High Level Architecture (HLA) needs some extensions to deal with large scale simulations, as has been brought forward by more researchers in the last few years than before. A practical congestion control and more efficient data distribution management (DDM) are two pivotal problems in large scale simulations. One fact is that HLA is lack of the depiction about the differences of demands for data by various receivers.
This paper begins with some features of data distribution in real world. After analyzing the limitations of current HLA, the layer of interest of simulation is presented. The definition is oriented to HLA and it forms an extension to one part of HLA. The layer of interest describes the layer of detail from the view of apperception, and brings forth a practical category of publisher-subscriber Quality of Service (Qos).
Building on the extended HLA, this paper then discusses congestion control for simulations. And the way of integrating the layer of interest with DDM is introduced. The new hybrid approach of combing the layer of interest with grid-based DDM strategy is laid emphasis on. Layered congestion control is also feasible in this approach of data distribution.
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