Project: MALICIA

Model of Advanced pLanner for Interoperable Computer Interactive Simulation

MALICIA is a constructive simulation derived from PANOPEA and devoted to analyze Maritime Interdiction Scenarios including anti piracy, illegal immigration patrolling and block operations. The simulator considers boarding operations as well as inspections operating with multiple Assets (i.e. MPA, Vessels, AUV, Helicopters, RHIB, USV, AUV, Submarines). The model uses Web services to collect data and interact with Tactical Naval Situation and it is open for supporting dynamic Operational Planning and Optimization considering Efficiency, Risks and Costs of the whole aspects within scenarios where false alarms and intense commercial traffic is present

MALICIA - Model of Advanced pLanner for Interoperable Computer Interactive Simulation - Maritime Interdiction Simulation

Point(s) of Contact:
  • Agostino G. Bruzzone,

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