Defining Metrics and Benchmarks
The most important rule of thumb is to calculate the actual data in the same way the benchmarks are caculated. With that in mind, the first part of the day is a guided line-by-line tour of the PGM benchmark survey questions. Using SCOR metric definitions on the worksheets as the formula, the team develops the actual data query for each appropriate SCORcard metric. The second part of the day focus on planning the assembly af an industry comparison spreadsheet. This spreadsheet summarizes additional actual and benchmark data for the shareholder metrics of profitability, returns, and share performance at the enterprice level. The industrial comparison list should contain somewhere between fifteen and twenty-five companies and as many industries as necessary to compare relevant competition at the business group level. The key deliverables (which will be needed for review during Week Three) include: a comparison spreadsheet, and update SCORcards with actual query results.