Preparing For Steering Team Revies Number One
In advange of the first steering team review, consider the following points:
1. The project manager should be the principle person consolidating and
preparing the presentation
2. The project manager should conduct one-on-one discussions with
steering team members who are responsible for key data, as they may be
called on to provide explanation or detail.
3. Any rumors, objections, and other cultural issues that need to be
addressed durin the steering team meeting should be discussed candidly.
4. Speaking roles should be determined for the steering team review.
In addition to the evangelist, design team members who did a lot of
homework may be given a chance for exposure.
Overall, the objects of steering team reviews number one are to review
supply chain metric definitions and preliminary query data, conduct the
competitive requirements chip exercise with entire steering team, review
Preliminary industry comparison sample and benchmark data, and establish
expectations for steering team review number two.