ISBN 1-56555-175-3
List of Tracks
Session 1.1.3 - Thursday 16 September 1999, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Chair: Michael Nevins, Argonne National Laboratories, USA
hms99_1 Simulation Model of
a Container Yard Containing a Simulating Computer - Charles University,
hms99_7 Simulation of Processing
Containers at the Baltic Container Terminal - Riga Technical University
& Baltic Container Terminal, Ltd - Latvia
hms99_13 Simulation for the evaluation of
optimised operations policies in a Container Terminal - Istituto
Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale Lugano - Switzerland
Session 1.1.4 - Thursday 16 September 1999, 4:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Chair: Luca Gambardella, IDSIA, CH
hms99_42 Modelling efficient container shipping
in the mediterranean sea - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico
di Milano & Tarros International S.p.A. (La Spezia )- Italy
hms99_46 Computer simulation model International
Container Terminal Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Indonesia - Delft University
of Technology - Civil Engineering Department - Hydraulic Engineering
Group Delft - The Netherlands
hms99_47 Analysing a container terminal's
behavior under stessing conditions by using simulation - DIST. Facoltà
di Ingegneria Elettronica, Genova Genova - Italy
Environment, Risk & Safety 
Session 2.2.4 - Friday 17 September 1999, 4:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Chair: Ali Elkamel, Kuwait University, Kuwait
hms99_15 Toward Generalization of Oil Spill
Modeling - Chemical Engineering Deptartment, Kuwait University Safat -
hms99_24 Simulation
for Environment Impact Analysis in Port Areas - DIP University of Genoa
Genova - Italy
hms99_25 Flow properties of heavy crude
oils and their emulsions - College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait
University Safat - Kuwait
hms99_40 Air ships: computer model for air
pollutant emissions estimates in port and in navigation - TECHNE S.r.l.
Rome - Italy
General Transportation 
Session 2.1.4 - Friday 17 September 1999, 4:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Chair: Yuri Merkuriev, Riga Technical University, Latvia
hms99_4 Curtailed
test for statistical validating simulation models of transportation
systems - Department of Applied Mathematics Aviation University of Riga
Riga - Latvia
hms99_38 Offshore Supply Transportation
System Simulation PETROBRAS - Department of Naval and Ocean Engineering,
University of São Paulo, São Paulo - Brasil
hms99_39 Polyvalent pilotage
in the flanders coastal and inland ports - Business Information Systems,
Operations and Logistics Management - University of Antwerp (RUCA) &
KPMG Orinoco Brussels, Belgium
Handling Systems & Internal
Session 1.3.3 - Thursday 16 September 1999, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Chair: Rezia Molfino, DIMEC University of Genoa, Italy
hms99_9 Knowledge Based
System for Simulation and Optimization in Manufacturing, Organisation
and Logistics- Dual Zentrum GmbH Dresden - Germany
hms99_12 Presentation of a continuous
unloader generalized interactive simulator (QGIS) - Techint Italimpianti
Genova - Italy
hms99_34 Internal material handling
rationalisation, through simulative approach, of a company producing automotive
components -DIP University of Genoa Genova - Italy
Session 1.3.4 - Thursday 16 September 1999, 4:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Chair: Wolfgang Krug, Dual Zentrum Gmbh, Italy
hms99_24_5 MACS: A Framework Integrating
Genetic Algorithms and Simulation for Supporting Layout
Re-engineering - DIP University of Genoa Genova - Italy
hms99_4_1 Lower simultaneous tolerance limits
for reliability analysis from the past data - Department of Applied Mathematics
Aviation University of R iga Riga - Latvia
hms99_37 Multiple constraints approach
to flow-shop scheduling - University of Lecce, University of Naples - Italy
hms99_18 Simulation as a tool for
planning and scheduling - Technical University of Brno
Logistics & Chemical
Session 2.2.3 - Friday 17 September 1999, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Chair: Ruy Luiz Milidiu, PUC Rio, Brazil
hms99_29 Parallel
online optimization of petrochemical processes - PUC-Rio - FPLF Gávea,
RJ. - Brasil
hms99_25_1 Modeling and optimization of
oil dehydration/desalting system - Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty
of Engineering & Petroleum Kuwait University Safat - Kuwait
hms99_30 Petroleum
Products Scheduling in Pipelines - Departamento de Informática,
PUC-Rio, Brazil Gávea, RJ. - Brasil
Maritime Framework 
Session 2.2.2 - Friday 17 September 1999, 10:45 am -12:30
Chair: Yuri Merkuriev, Riga Technical University, Latvia
hms99_41 Modeling and Integrating
Information Flows in the Logistic Environment: the INTRARTIP Case Study-
DIST Unige - SET Genoa - Italy
hms99_11 Data processing system
design for marine insurance - Latvian Intelligent Systems & IDC Information
Technologies Riga - Latvia
hms99_21 DSS and simulation
of telematic support for transport logistics - Italian National
Research Council - Ship Automation Institute (*) Genova - Italy
hms99_27 Remote manipulator
for deep-see operations: animation and virtual reality assessment - Industrial
Robot Design Research Group - University of Genoa - Italy
Maritime Shipping 
Session 2.3.4 - Friday 17 September 1999, 4:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Chair: Leonid Novitzki, Latvian Intelligent Systems, Latvia
hms99 2 Maritime Shipping
and the Four Dimensional Dimensional TSP - Business Administration and
Mathematics University of Wisconsin Grenn Bay, Wisconsin -
hms99_48 Applications of intelligent
route tracker and optimisers based on onboard instruments interfacing,
GPS positioning, meteo GRIBs and shore station
communication. - Dipartimento di Energetica "Sergio Stecco" - Industrial
Plants and Technologies - University of Florence Firenze - Italy
hms99_2_1 Maritime Shipping Applications with
Statistical Optimization - Business Administration and Mathematics
University of Wisconsin Grenn Bay, Wisconsin - USA
Multimodal Terminals 
Session 2.1.1 - Friday 17 September 1999, 8:30 am - 10:15 am
Chair: Henk Sol, Delft TU, The Netherlands
hms99_26 Economical
Viability Stydt in Implantation the Containers and Vehicles Terminal in
Port of Paraganua' Through Probabilistics Simulation Technique - Department
of Naval and Ocean Engineering - University of São Paulo Brasil
Negotiating Multimodal Container Transport - Delft University of Technology,
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Delft - the Netherlands
hms99_19 Modelling
and Simulation of the Intermodel Terminal MEGA HUB - Universitaet Karlsruhe
- Institut fuer Fordertechnik und Logistiksysteme Germany
hms99_26_1 Simulation Model for the Design
of a Intermodal Transportation System in the Tietê-Paraná
Waterway- Department of Naval and Ocean Engineering - University of São
Paulo Brasil
Networking & Training 
Session 2.3.1 - Friday 17 September 1999, 8:30 am - 10:15 am
Chair: Franco Davoli, DIST University of Genoa, Italy
hms99_17 Network organisations and the role
of Virtuality Gaming - Virtuality Group TNO The Hague - The
hms99_35 Using modern information technology
for practical training - Department of Planning and Visualization Techniques
- Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg - Germany
hms99_49 A Framework for Distributed Intelligent
Agents in the Simulation of External Logistics of an Enterprise - Boston
College - USA
Port Operations 
Session 2.1.2 - Friday 17 September 1999, 10:45 am -12:30
Chair: Salvatore Capasso, CFLI & VTE, Italy
hms99_14 Developing
a cross-platform port simulation system Decision and Information Sciences
Division - Argonne National Laboratory Argonne - USA
hms99_12_2 The discrete events simulator
MHATIS: Material Handling Terminal Interactive Simulator of Pecacalco -
Techint Italimpianti Genova - Italy
hms99_28 Interaction
of various kinds of transportation at klaipeda harbor - Business Informatics
Department, Kaunas University of Technology Kaunas - Lithuania
Session 2.1.3 - Friday 17 September 1999, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Chair: Eberhard Bluemel, IFF, Germany
hms99_24_4 Terminal Simulation as Support
for Port Logistics - DIP University of Genoa Genova - Italy
hms99_33 Collaborative
infrastructure assessment tool: a discussion of the cost agent - College
of Business California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, California
hms99_31 To see
or not to see. The impact of virtuality on decision making. Case study
on residual heath in Mainport Rotterdam - Virtuality Group
TNO The Hague - NL
Session 2.3.2 - Friday 17 September 1999, 10:45 am -12:30
Chair: Robert Signorile, Boston College, USA
hms99_32 Simulation
model of marshalling yard Linz Vbf (Austria) - Slovakia
hms99_24_1 WASP & WORM: Decision Support
Systems Based on Simulation for Cargo Railways - DIP University of Genoa
Genova - Italy
hms99_36 A Freight
Fleet Oriented to the Market - Consiel, JMAC Consiel Milan - Italy
Session 2.2.1 - Friday 17 September 1999, 8:30 am - 10:15 am
Chair: Edward Williams, Ford Motor Co., USA
hms99_50 Virtual Prototyping in Ship
Design, CETENA & Fincantieri - Italy
hms99_8 Virtual Manufacturing
for Shipyards; Beyond Acquisition Reform - Illgen Simulation Technologies,
Inc. Goleta, Ca - USA
hms99_24_3 PROSIM2000: A model devoted to Project Management
in Ship Yard Constructions based on Simulation and Genetic Algorithms
- DIP University of Genoa Genova - Italy
Supply Chains 
Session 1.2.3 - Thursday 16 September 1999, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Chair: Edward Williams, Ford Motor Co., USA
hms99_23 Modeling issues in a shipping system
- M-11 Advanced Manufacturing Technology Dev. -Ford Motor Company -
Redford, Michigan - U.S.A.
hms99_24_2 Artificial Intelligence as Support for Logistics in SuperMarket
Chains - DIP University of Genoa - Italy
hms99_5 An open tender framework
using web-based negotiation for supply chain management - University
of Tokushima Tokushima - Japan
hms99_52 Using Simulation in Supply
Chain Management - Systems Modelling Corporation - USA
Urban Transport 
Session 2.3.3 - Friday 17 September 1999, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Chair: Andrzej Barjela,The Nottingham Trent University., UK
hms99_20 OO Environment
for Urban Traffic Microsimulation - Mobilita` e Traffico Comune di
Genova - Italy
hms99_34_1 MI.TRA. a microsimulation tool
for the analysis of traffic nets - DIP University of Genoa - Italy
hms99_43 A generic
model for traffic simulation - Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand
II Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux- France
hms99_45 OnLine
Mobile Passenger Information System RTTS - Dept. of Computing, the Nottingham
Trent University Nottingham - UK
& Late Papers 
Session 1.2.3 - Thursday 16 September 1999,4:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Chair: Roberto Mosca, DIP University of Genoa, Italy
hms99_3 A Simulation Model of a Railway
Maintenance Depot - University of Derby - UK
hms99_10 Modeling and investigating communication networks
of freight transportation - Rijeka College of Maritime Studies Rijeka -
hms99_10_1 Simulation of the logistic transport supply chain
regarding usage of electronic documents - Rijeka College of Maritime studies
Rijeka - Croatia
General Events
Session 1.1.1 - Thursday 16 September 1999, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Chair: Agostino G. Bruzzone, MISS University of Genoa, Italy
Opening Cerimony
R.Mosca, DIP University of Genoa, "Modelling & Simulation for Supporting
F.Capocaccia, Genoa Port Authority, "Advances for Port Logistics"
Session 3.1.1 - Saturday 18 September 1999, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Chair: Salvatore Capasso, CFLI & VTE, Italy
Visit to Voltri Terminal Europe - PSA
Training Simulator for Container Terminals
Control Room & DSS for Planning
Automation and Terminal Facilities
Social Events
Dinner Party - Thursday 16 September 1999, leaving 7:30 pm from the
Hotel Savoia Majestic
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