LESNEX: LEan Simulation Network of EXcellence
Expression of Interest to European Comminuty FP6
One of main obstacle in the optimal engineering product design/reengineering is the use of quantitative methods.
Modelling and simulation tools, in particular, are data intensive and often have too high implementations costs. Small Enterprises can not effort on their own the simulation model building.
Big Enterprises can do it, but they usually do not share their expertise with other companies.
In such a way, Small companies, but often also Big ones, base often their decisions only on qualitative methods.
This limit can avoid any effort in improving the industrial systems, while the diffusion of Modelling & Simulation (M&S) in overseas companies provides a great advantage in term of competitiveness.
On the other hand, European Institutions, such as Universities and Industrial Research centres, have developed Modelling and Simulation tools for many industrial cases, showing Simulation effective in optimising the life cycle of industrial systems.
In the last years, also distributed models were introduced that allow to simulate production processes, situated in different companies, addressing the important issue to share models while protecting the knowledge and the know-how (by using, for instance, HLA: High Level Architecture).
In order to increase the use of simulation, the expertise, in different fields, of European Institutions should be used to develop and introduce the new idea of Compact Simulation Unit (CSU).
CSU represents a small team, equipped with specific tools and using specific operative protocols in order to manage quickly and successfully small simulation projects.
This projects are devoted to be applied in Small and Medium Enterprises as well during Early Stage Evaluation (ESE) in large programs.
These developments will be based by a new simulation service provided by: LEan Simulation Network of EXcellence (LESNEX).
In effect, LESNEX is a proposal for developing lean simulation as a new approach for applying Modelling and Simulation techniques to problems in order to support SME (Small Medium Size Enterprises) applications as well ESE in large program respecting validation and verification requirements with reduced costs and development times.
The basic idea on the LESNEX is that it is possible, from the models developed for specific industrial cases, to extract lean simulation models, that, with a very reduced set of data, are able to provide meaningful and reliability results.
As known, a typical engineering approach consists in the so-called "analytical modelling", where an operational model is developed at its minimal aggregation level: that requires a large amount of data, not always fully available.
Whereas a systemic approach is based on the maximal conceptualisation distance (aggregation) suitable for the given problem, and develops a strategic model that requires a small amount of significant data.
Such easier solution would, indeed, suffice and provides handy logical models.
This is the aim of LESNEX.
The Lean Simulation could be introduced in Small and Medium Enterprises by very small team, called Compact Simulation Unit, two o three persons at maximum, very skilled in modelling and simulate industrial and engineering cases.
These teams will use "ad hoc" protocols derived from usual techniques based on available experiences in order to speed up the analysis.
LESNEX, from European Simulation experience, it will able to model industrial problems with minimum data, reducing modelling costs and guaranteeing acceptable confidence levels.
LESNEX could be used, for example, by Small Enterprises, that can outsource this simulation service with reduced costs, but also by Big Enterprises to have rapid Early Stage results in large/complex program.
Rapid Early Stage results are very important in the very first phases of a complex production process, where most important decisions are made.
Introducing a new service structure: LEAN SIMULATION.
Lean Simulation is devoted to supply a M&S (Modelling & Simulation) services to production and industrial systems and during the early evaluation stages of reengineering production processes.
The target of this service are the Small and Medium Enterprises and also Big Enterprises in the Early Stage Evaluation (ESE).
The results of the project will be to realise tools by which face the early stage development of projects.
At the first level the tools will provide a classification of several problems that can be faced.
For each one of this classes of problems will be defined the reference way to approach the problem itself.
The issue is to rapidly build a simulation model for the new case under analysis and rapidly give directions and answers for the development of the project.
Once that the reference class closest to the case studied is found, the correspondent reference way to approach the problem will be indicated in the reference model or better archetypal subsystems.
The archetypal subsystems model for a certain class will consist in providing the following indications: the number of components and the competences of the small simulation unit of development; suggestion on the most suitable environment for the software implementation; needed inputs for the model; expected output from the model; logic architecture of the model; time of model development; costs for model development; expected accuracy of outputs; limits for the extendibility of the model.
The general approach is to study the possibilities of standardize the simulation approach by the construction of reference archetypal subsystems and procedures.
The mentioned procedures should include the unified systematic use of optimisation tools, capable to reduce the workload in the various operations: reduction in significant data; tuning of archetypes; simplification of the comprehensive model; determination of an optimal strategy parameters; determination of quantitative changes in the enterprise system; determination of new structures of the enterprise.
Knowledge on technologies in use will be the base for the development techniques of reference procedure for this lean simulation approach.
The analysis of case studies will bring to the definition of necessary inputs and expected outputs of the archetypal subsystems for different classes of problems.
The aim is to develop a straightforward procedure for the early stage development of projects, rapidly implemented by small teams, whose components have defined tasks and functions.
The central issue is the possibility of build a decision supporting tool very effective, with certain time of development, and oriented to the usability by the larger number of companies.
In this context it is critical to complete a significant set of experiences which provide a support for estimating the degree of accuracy and the related costs and timing.
A particular study will be made in minimising modelling developing costs.
Savings, for instance, by the contraction of the validation phase, can be obtained in the lean procedure.
This reduction is possible only if the reference archetypal subsystems have already been tested on similar context.
The project will be developed in the following phases:
Analysis of implemented Simulation models. Classification in different problems categories
Relaxation of data needs while maintaining a certain fidelity degree
Definitions of limits and protocols per each category
Involving organisations in Testing and Developing the model
LESNEX will effectively contribute in realising the objective of the priority thematic area 1.1.3.iii New Production Processes and Devises - Optimising the Lifecycle of industrial systems, products and services.
LESNEX allows the effective introduction of simulation in industrial systems.
In this way it will possible to have a quantitative tools for the evaluation in the whole product/productions lifecycle.
With LESNEX the goal of including all aspects of production processes, but also service, reuse, recycling and disposal phase in the design since the design phase could be obtained.
LESNEX will guarantee the simulation know-how sharing among different European Research Centres.
In this sense the Network of Excellence is the mean for implementing LESNEX.
In Europe there are different Institutions active in simulation modelling.
They have skills in modelling different industrial systems.
Required skills are Simulation Modelling, Project Management, Costs Evaluations, Industrial Technologies, Training, Industrial Plant Management, Life Cycle Design, web services, net working.
Each partner will bring in LESNEX its peculiar experience in Modelling and Simulation.
This global expertise will allow the development of an effective Computer Simulation Unit.
In the following a list of leading academic and industrial European Research centres is shown with
brief description and role/competence.
Participant 1: Description: University
University of Genoa, DIP, Italy
Contact: Prof. Agostino Bruzzone, (agostino@itim.unige.it)
Competencies/Role: Overall coordination, Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME and early stage results in large programs.
Participant 2: Descripion: University
University of Perugia - Department of Industrial Engineering, Italy
Contact: Dr. Stefano Saetta,
Competencies/Role: Life Cycle Analysis, coordination, Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 3:Description: National Research Centre
Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Germany
Contact: Dr. Eberhard Bluemel
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases. Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME and early stage results in large programs.
Participant 4:Description: University
CISUC, Portugal
Contact: Ferdinando Barros
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of limits and protocols. Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 5:Description: University
IDSIA, Switzerland
Contact: Luca Gambardella
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of limits and protocols. Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs
Participant 6: Description: University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Contact: Helen Karatza
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 7: University
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Contact: M.A. Piera
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 8: National Research Centre
CNR, Italy
Contact: G.Soncin
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 9: Research Centre of the Italian Ministery of Defence
COI MoD, Italy
Contact: Fabio Camponeschi, (cdrfabio@hotmail.com)
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits, Testing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 10: Research Centre
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Contact: Antoni Guasch
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 11:University
Brunel University, UK
Contacts: Simon Taylor
Competencies/Role: Coordination, Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 12:
Charles University, Czech Rep
Contact: Eugenio Kindler
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 13:University
Riga TU, Latvia
Contact: Yuri Merkuryev
Competencies: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 14:Company
Fincantieri, Italy
Contact: Aldo Zini
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 15: University
LSIS University of Marseille, France
Contact: Norbert Giambiasi
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 16:University
University of Magdeburg, Germany
Contact: Gaby Neumann
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, definition of limits and protocols, testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 17: Description: University
Warsaw Univesity of Technology, Poland
Contact: Dr. Krzysztof Amborski
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of limits and protocols, testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 18: Description: University
Institut Supérieur d'Informatique de Modélisation et de leurs Applications, Universite` Blaise Pascal, France
Contact: Dr. Michelle Chabrol
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 19:Company
VTT Industrial Systems, Finland
Contact: Pertti Broas
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Testing and Developing for early stage results in large programs.
Participant 20:University
University of Hannover, Germany
Contact: Helena Szczerbicka
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME.
Participant 21: University
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, University of West Bohemia, Czech Rep.
Contact: Dr.Vaclav Votava
Competencies/Role: Analysis of Simulation Cases, Definition of reference archetypal subsystems, Definition of limits and protocols, Testing and Developing for SME.
LESNEX will be implemented by doing research activities integrated between partners, especially in the phase of Model Analysis, reference subsystem modelling and protocol definitions.
This includes also training actions for researchers involved in the project.
Net working and other form of electronic communication will be used in every phase of the work.
Actually Pan European co-operation is limited to specific Research Projects.
The are consolidated congress in Industrial Simulation modelling were European Research Institutions meet each other.
With the Network of Excellence a real Team Working could be made, by developing the simulation tools in teams from all over the Europe.
In this sense, the development of common knowledge on Simulation Modelling will support the leading of this strategic sector and the European SME Competitiveness.
Usually the knowledge of Modelling and Simulation in the industrial field is developed locally by co-operation within Research Centres and Company.
There will be more chances to share this experience with other European Research Centres.
The optimisation of Industrial Systems by simulation is a strategic tool for the European Union competition.
This because Modelling and Simulation of industrial processes could be an effective quantitative support decision models both for the existing processes in SMEs or for complex programs in the rapid early stage results.
Complex programs could involve also the engineering of innovative materials for new products, one of the main subject of 6 FP Research Program.
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