| Sponsored by the Society for Computer Simulation International |
The Society for the Computer Simulation Int.
4838 Ronson Court, Suite L San Diego, CA 92111-18000 USA |
1999 International Conference On Web-Based Modelling & Simulation
January 17-20 1999, Cathedral Hill Hotel
San Francisco, California
Part of the 1999 SCS Western MultiConference on Computer Simulation

The second edition of this successful conference willfocus on the advances in web-based technologies. The aim of this conferenceis to focus on problems and perspectives of the internet and World WideWeb as a tool for modeling and simulation. Internet & Modeling practitionersare encouraged to submit proposals based on their applications and demonstrationsof computer simulation techniques.
Web-based simulation represents a convergence of computersimulation methodologies and applications within the World Wide Web (WWW).
Web-based simulation is not restricted to "distributedsimulation" or "simulation documentation.", but exhibits a plethora ofdifferent facets.
Topics & Applications
- Multimedia-Enriched Simulation Modelling and Interactive Documentation
- Web-Based Modelling with Groupware
- Java-Based Simulation Environments
- Web-Based Modelling Using UML and Other Methodologies
- Web-Based Workflow Modelling and Simulation
- Integration of DIS and HLA with Web technologies
- Parallel and Distributed Simulation on the Internet
- Integration of VRML with Traditional Simulation
- Distributed Model Input and Output-Data Set Repositories
- Hypermedia Knowledge About Geometry and Dynamics
- Modelling Electronic Commerce and On Line Business Re-Engineering
- Integrating Distributed Object Technologies into Simulation (OLE/COM, CORBA,HLA, DIS)
Deadlines and Requirements for Paper Submission
Extended abstracts or draft papers are due to arrive at the General Chair (compressed multimedia format, HTML) to the General Chairby May 30, 1998
Abstract or DraftPaper | 30 May 1998 |
Preliminary Acceptance Notification | 15 June 1998 |
Full Paper Submission | 1 July 1998 |
Notification of Final Acceptance | 1 Septmber |
Camera-Ready Paper (HTML and PS) | 15 September |
Only original papers, written in English, which have not previouslybeen published elsewhere will be accepted.
For Further Information:
General Chair | General Co-Chair | Program Chair | CD Editor | Web Editor |
Agostino G.Bruzzone | Adelinde Uhrmacher | Ernest H. Page | Hessam Sarjoughian | Lorenzo Motta |
DIP University of Genoa | Comp.Science Dept. University of Ulm | The MITRE Corporation | University of Arizona | DIBE University of Genoa |
via C.Colombo 68/3 17019 Varazze, Italy | D-89069 Ulm, Germany | 1820 Dolley Madison Boulevard, McLean, VA, 22102-3481, USA | Arizona, USA | Genoa |
Tel +39 19 97 398 | Tel | Tel | Tel | Tel |
Fax +39 19 97 600 | Fax | Fax | Fax | Fax |
agostino@itim.unige.it | lin@informatik.uni-ulm.de | epage@mitre.org | hessam@ece.arizona.edu | motta@cpsi1.dibe.unige.it |
Book & Journals Published:
- Bruzzone A.G., E.Page, A.Uhrmacher (1999) "Web-Based Modelling & Simulation", SCS International, San Francisco, ISBN 1-56555-156-7
- Bruzzone A.G., Page E., Uhrmacher A. (2001). "Special Section: Web-Based Simulation", International Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 17, pp. 501-623 ISSN: 0167-739X.
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